{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../../../node_modules/date-fns/constants.js", "../../../node_modules/date-fns/constructFrom.js", "../../../node_modules/date-fns/toDate.js", "../../../node_modules/date-fns/_lib/addLeadingZeros.js"], "sourcesContent": ["/**\n * @module constants\n * @summary Useful constants\n * @description\n * Collection of useful date constants.\n *\n * The constants could be imported from `date-fns/constants`:\n *\n * ```ts\n * import { maxTime, minTime } from \"./constants/date-fns/constants\";\n *\n * function isAllowedTime(time) {\n * return time <= maxTime && time >= minTime;\n * }\n * ```\n */\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name daysInWeek\n * @summary Days in 1 week.\n */\nexport const daysInWeek = 7;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name daysInYear\n * @summary Days in 1 year.\n *\n * @description\n * How many days in a year.\n *\n * One years equals 365.2425 days according to the formula:\n *\n * > Leap year occurs every 4 years, except for years that are divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400.\n * > 1 mean year = (365+1/4-1/100+1/400) days = 365.2425 days\n */\nexport const daysInYear = 365.2425;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name maxTime\n * @summary Maximum allowed time.\n *\n * @example\n * import { maxTime } from \"./constants/date-fns/constants\";\n *\n * const isValid = 8640000000000001 <= maxTime;\n * //=> false\n *\n * new Date(8640000000000001);\n * //=> Invalid Date\n */\nexport const maxTime = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name minTime\n * @summary Minimum allowed time.\n *\n * @example\n * import { minTime } from \"./constants/date-fns/constants\";\n *\n * const isValid = -8640000000000001 >= minTime;\n * //=> false\n *\n * new Date(-8640000000000001)\n * //=> Invalid Date\n */\nexport const minTime = -maxTime;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name millisecondsInWeek\n * @summary Milliseconds in 1 week.\n */\nexport const millisecondsInWeek = 604800000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name millisecondsInDay\n * @summary Milliseconds in 1 day.\n */\nexport const millisecondsInDay = 86400000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name millisecondsInMinute\n * @summary Milliseconds in 1 minute\n */\nexport const millisecondsInMinute = 60000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name millisecondsInHour\n * @summary Milliseconds in 1 hour\n */\nexport const millisecondsInHour = 3600000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name millisecondsInSecond\n * @summary Milliseconds in 1 second\n */\nexport const millisecondsInSecond = 1000;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name minutesInYear\n * @summary Minutes in 1 year.\n */\nexport const minutesInYear = 525600;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name minutesInMonth\n * @summary Minutes in 1 month.\n */\nexport const minutesInMonth = 43200;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name minutesInDay\n * @summary Minutes in 1 day.\n */\nexport const minutesInDay = 1440;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name minutesInHour\n * @summary Minutes in 1 hour.\n */\nexport const minutesInHour = 60;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name monthsInQuarter\n * @summary Months in 1 quarter.\n */\nexport const monthsInQuarter = 3;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name monthsInYear\n * @summary Months in 1 year.\n */\nexport const monthsInYear = 12;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name quartersInYear\n * @summary Quarters in 1 year\n */\nexport const quartersInYear = 4;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInHour\n * @summary Seconds in 1 hour.\n */\nexport const secondsInHour = 3600;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInMinute\n * @summary Seconds in 1 minute.\n */\nexport const secondsInMinute = 60;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInDay\n * @summary Seconds in 1 day.\n */\nexport const secondsInDay = secondsInHour * 24;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInWeek\n * @summary Seconds in 1 week.\n */\nexport const secondsInWeek = secondsInDay * 7;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInYear\n * @summary Seconds in 1 year.\n */\nexport const secondsInYear = secondsInDay * daysInYear;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInMonth\n * @summary Seconds in 1 month\n */\nexport const secondsInMonth = secondsInYear / 12;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name secondsInQuarter\n * @summary Seconds in 1 quarter.\n */\nexport const secondsInQuarter = secondsInMonth * 3;\n\n/**\n * @constant\n * @name constructFromSymbol\n * @summary Symbol enabling Date extensions to inherit properties from the reference date.\n *\n * The symbol is used to enable the `constructFrom` function to construct a date\n * using a reference date and a value. It allows to transfer extra properties\n * from the reference date to the new date. It's useful for extensions like\n * [`TZDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/tz) that accept a time zone as\n * a constructor argument.\n */\nexport const constructFromSymbol = Symbol.for(\"constructDateFrom\");\n", "import { constructFromSymbol } from \"./constants.js\";\n\n/**\n * @name constructFrom\n * @category Generic Helpers\n * @summary Constructs a date using the reference date and the value\n *\n * @description\n * The function constructs a new date using the constructor from the reference\n * date and the given value. It helps to build generic functions that accept\n * date extensions.\n *\n * It defaults to `Date` if the passed reference date is a number or a string.\n *\n * Starting from v3.7.0, it allows to construct a date using `[Symbol.for(\"constructDateFrom\")]`\n * enabling to transfer extra properties from the reference date to the new date.\n * It's useful for extensions like [`TZDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/tz)\n * that accept a time zone as a constructor argument.\n *\n * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/utc).\n *\n * @param date - The reference date to take constructor from\n * @param value - The value to create the date\n *\n * @returns Date initialized using the given date and value\n *\n * @example\n * import { constructFrom } from \"./constructFrom/date-fns\";\n *\n * // A function that clones a date preserving the original type\n * function cloneDate(date: DateType): DateType {\n * return constructFrom(\n * date, // Use constructor from the given date\n * date.getTime() // Use the date value to create a new date\n * );\n * }\n */\nexport function constructFrom(date, value) {\n if (typeof date === \"function\") return date(value);\n\n if (date && typeof date === \"object\" && constructFromSymbol in date)\n return date[constructFromSymbol](value);\n\n if (date instanceof Date) return new date.constructor(value);\n\n return new Date(value);\n}\n\n// Fallback for modularized imports:\nexport default constructFrom;\n", "import { constructFrom } from \"./constructFrom.js\";\n\n/**\n * @name toDate\n * @category Common Helpers\n * @summary Convert the given argument to an instance of Date.\n *\n * @description\n * Convert the given argument to an instance of Date.\n *\n * If the argument is an instance of Date, the function returns its clone.\n *\n * If the argument is a number, it is treated as a timestamp.\n *\n * If the argument is none of the above, the function returns Invalid Date.\n *\n * Starting from v3.7.0, it clones a date using `[Symbol.for(\"constructDateFrom\")]`\n * enabling to transfer extra properties from the reference date to the new date.\n * It's useful for extensions like [`TZDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/tz)\n * that accept a time zone as a constructor argument.\n *\n * **Note**: *all* Date arguments passed to any *date-fns* function is processed by `toDate`.\n *\n * @typeParam DateType - The `Date` type, the function operates on. Gets inferred from passed arguments. Allows to use extensions like [`UTCDate`](https://github.com/date-fns/utc).\n * @typeParam ResultDate - The result `Date` type, it is the type returned from the context function if it is passed, or inferred from the arguments.\n *\n * @param argument - The value to convert\n *\n * @returns The parsed date in the local time zone\n *\n * @example\n * // Clone the date:\n * const result = toDate(new Date(2014, 1, 11, 11, 30, 30))\n * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30\n *\n * @example\n * // Convert the timestamp to date:\n * const result = toDate(1392098430000)\n * //=> Tue Feb 11 2014 11:30:30\n */\nexport function toDate(argument, context) {\n // [TODO] Get rid of `toDate` or `constructFrom`?\n return constructFrom(context || argument, argument);\n}\n\n// Fallback for modularized imports:\nexport default toDate;\n", "export function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) {\n const sign = number < 0 ? \"-\" : \"\";\n const output = Math.abs(number).toString().padStart(targetLength, \"0\");\n return sign + output;\n}\n"], "mappings": "AAqDO,IAAMA,EAAU,KAAK,IAAI,GAAI,CAAC,EAAI,GAAK,GAAK,GAAK,IAgB3CC,EAAU,CAACD,EAOXE,EAAqB,OAOrBC,EAAoB,MAOpBC,EAAuB,IAOvBC,EAAqB,KA+D3B,IAAMC,EAAgB,KActB,IAAMC,EAAeC,EAAgB,GAO/BC,EAAgBF,EAAe,EAO/BG,EAAgBH,EAAe,SAO/BI,EAAiBD,EAAgB,GAOjCE,EAAmBD,EAAiB,EAapCE,EAAsB,OAAO,IAAI,mBAAmB,EClL1D,SAASC,EAAcC,EAAMC,EAAO,CACzC,OAAI,OAAOD,GAAS,WAAmBA,EAAKC,CAAK,EAE7CD,GAAQ,OAAOA,GAAS,UAAYE,KAAuBF,EACtDA,EAAKE,CAAmB,EAAED,CAAK,EAEpCD,aAAgB,KAAa,IAAIA,EAAK,YAAYC,CAAK,EAEpD,IAAI,KAAKA,CAAK,CACvB,CCNO,SAASE,EAAOC,EAAUC,EAAS,CAExC,OAAOC,EAAcD,GAAWD,EAAUA,CAAQ,CACpD,CC3CO,SAASG,EAAgBC,EAAQC,EAAc,CACpD,IAAMC,EAAOF,EAAS,EAAI,IAAM,GAC1BG,EAAS,KAAK,IAAIH,CAAM,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,SAASC,EAAc,GAAG,EACrE,OAAOC,EAAOC,CAChB", "names": ["maxTime", "minTime", "millisecondsInWeek", "millisecondsInDay", "millisecondsInMinute", "millisecondsInHour", "secondsInHour", "secondsInDay", "secondsInHour", "secondsInWeek", "secondsInYear", "secondsInMonth", "secondsInQuarter", "constructFromSymbol", "constructFrom", "date", "value", "constructFromSymbol", "toDate", "argument", "context", "constructFrom", "addLeadingZeros", "number", "targetLength", "sign", "output"] }