{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../../../node_modules/cookie/src/index.ts", "../../../node_modules/react-router/dist/development/chunk-K6CSEXPM.mjs", "../../../node_modules/react-router/dist/development/dom-export.mjs"], "sourcesContent": ["/**\n * RegExp to match cookie-name in RFC 6265 sec 4.1.1\n * This refers out to the obsoleted definition of token in RFC 2616 sec 2.2\n * which has been replaced by the token definition in RFC 7230 appendix B.\n *\n * cookie-name = token\n * token = 1*tchar\n * tchar = \"!\" / \"#\" / \"$\" / \"%\" / \"&\" / \"'\" /\n * \"*\" / \"+\" / \"-\" / \".\" / \"^\" / \"_\" /\n * \"`\" / \"|\" / \"~\" / DIGIT / ALPHA\n *\n * Note: Allowing more characters - https://github.com/jshttp/cookie/issues/191\n * Allow same range as cookie value, except `=`, which delimits end of name.\n */\nconst cookieNameRegExp = /^[\\u0021-\\u003A\\u003C\\u003E-\\u007E]+$/;\n\n/**\n * RegExp to match cookie-value in RFC 6265 sec 4.1.1\n *\n * cookie-value = *cookie-octet / ( DQUOTE *cookie-octet DQUOTE )\n * cookie-octet = %x21 / %x23-2B / %x2D-3A / %x3C-5B / %x5D-7E\n * ; US-ASCII characters excluding CTLs,\n * ; whitespace DQUOTE, comma, semicolon,\n * ; and backslash\n *\n * Allowing more characters: https://github.com/jshttp/cookie/issues/191\n * Comma, backslash, and DQUOTE are not part of the parsing algorithm.\n */\nconst cookieValueRegExp = /^[\\u0021-\\u003A\\u003C-\\u007E]*$/;\n\n/**\n * RegExp to match domain-value in RFC 6265 sec 4.1.1\n *\n * domain-value = \n * ; defined in [RFC1034], Section 3.5, as\n * ; enhanced by [RFC1123], Section 2.1\n * =